This post will be irrelevant for Google Workspace after 2022-10-04 because OAuth out-of-band (OBB) flow will be deprecated.
See my newer post
which describes loopback IP flow for mbsync and msmtp.
Google will remove Less Secure app Access (LSA) from Gmail of G Suite.
And I want to continue to use Gmail from NetBSD laptop with mbsync (isync) and msmtp.
However I cannot find any successful report about mbsync with XOAuth2.
I do not understand OAuth2 and its derivatives at all.
This post is for reporting how to use mbsync and msmtp for Gmail without LSA,
not for understanding OAuth2.
I am a NetBSD desktop user.
I will use pkgsrc as a package management system.
The pkgsrc is portable for almost all POSIX system.
You can bootstrap pkgsrc on non-NetBSD POSIX-like operating system that you are using.
I should install the following pkgsrc packages.
pkgsrc/mail/isync (isync-1.3.1nb2 or later)
Be sure to use isync-1.3.1nb2 or later.
isync-1.3.1nb1 has short buffer (80 bytes) for an output of PassCmd.
Generate client ID and client secret on Google CLoud Platform console
Goole Cloud Platform console is very complicated.
I will not show how to generate clinet ID and client secret step by step.
I should follow Google Cloud Platform console -> API&Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs.
Get my Access Token and Refresh Token with Google's
With my client ID and client secret, I can get my (temporal) Access Token and Refresh Token with Google's commandline tool.
I can get tool from
This is for Python 2.7 not for Python 3.
Be sure to execute the tool with python2.7 command from pkgsrc/lang/python27.
And I must have modern web browser like pkgsrc/www/firefox to access Google's webpage.
An outline of my steps is as follows.
- Execute with my client ID and client secret.
- I can get a URI of Google's webpage and open the webpage with my Firefox.
- I can get a code and input the code to
- I can get the access token and refresh token.
I will use the refresh token to renew the access token.
Do not discard my refresh token.
I will execute as follows.
$ python2.7 /opt/share/ \
--client_secret=MY_CLIENT_SECRET \
Create a script to generate a access token from the refresh token
My access token will expire in 3600 seconds.
I will regenerate my access token every e-mail send/fetch.
Google's has no special mode to output refresh access token only.
I will create the following script as /opt/bin/
#! /bin/sh
/usr/pkg/bin/python2.7 /opt/share/ \
--client_secret=MY_CLIENT_SECRET \
--generate_oauth2_token \
--refresh_token=MY_REFRESH_TOKEN | \
awk -F" " '{if(NR==1)print $3}'
Do not ferget to execute chmod 700 /opt/bin/
My ~/.mbsyncrc
My .mbsyncrc is very simple. PassCmd and AuthMechs are special.
IMAPAccount gmail
#AuthMechs LOGIN
AuthMechs XOAUTH2
PassCmd "/opt/bin/"
CertificateFile /etc/openssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
IMAPStore gmail-remote
Account gmail
MaildirStore gmail-local
Path ~/.maildir/teteraorg-gmail/
Inbox ~/.maildir/teteraorg-gmail/inbox
Channel gmail-inbox
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
Channel gmail-trash
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Trash"
Slave :gmail-local:trash
Channel gmail-sent
Master :gmail-remote:"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
Slave :gmail-local:sent
Channel gmail-archive
Master :gmail-remote:
Slave :gmail-local:
Patterns "Arch*"
Group teteraorg
Channel gmail-inbox
Channel gmail-sent
Channel gmail-trash
Channel gmail-archive
My ~/.msmtprc
For msmtp, no special patch is reaquired.
msmtp has no XOAuth2 support (it seems that XOauth2 support is removed already).
Use auth oauthbearer
account teteraorg
tls on
tls_certcheck off
tls_starttls off
port 465
protocol smtp
auth oauthbearer
passwordeval "/opt/bin/"
account default: teteraorg